Monday, July 7, 2008

Thing # 13- Online Applications

I have often heard of open source software, but I have never explored any of them before this class.  These are awesome tools that are going to benefit school districts greatly. When I think of how much money our district has spent on Microsoft products, it blows me away! Now we will have the option to use online software that is free. ZoHo Writer is a new way to use word processing, databases, publishing tools and so many more options for us to use in our classrooms that are web based. The tool bar looks very similar to word, however you have more options at your fingertips. The fact that we can create a document and retrieve it from any computer anywhere is fantastic. I especially liked the way they explained the introductory page too. I love being able to insert the emotions. 
However, when I was trying to export this to my blog, I was not successful. I couldn't find enough directions to help me. If anyone is successful, please respond and share with me how you did it. I thought it would be very simple, and it probably is simple.  I have just hit a roadblock.

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