Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thing # 10 - RSS Feeds

I used the Google Reader for my RSS feeds. This was my first time to set up a feed by myself. It was very simple to use. This tool will save valuable time. Sometimes I can spend hours trying to find things on the Internet by reading different blogs. With this tool, I can keep up with the information I am interested in, and it will automatically download the feed to my Google Reader account. I think teachers and librarians will find this a very valuable too that saves them time.

I know things are changing so fast, and I am so thankful that our district is offering some of the latest  technology trends. It has been said before, but we have to step up with our knowledge technology in order to continue to prepare our students for the 21st century.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Thing # 9 - Online Image Generator

I played around with several, but my favorite was the Comic Strip, Sticker, & Fridge Magnet Maker. Here is the link
To create this one, I use the template and filled in my information.
 I tried to use the Free Text Generator, but it was for PC. I think the cartoon generator would be fun to use in the classroom as well as the Comic Strip. Students could create a comic strip. 

This would allow students the opportunity to work on writing skills in cooperative groups.

With the custom sign generators, students could make signs for rules in the classroom, computer lab, or cafeteria. They could make one for the door for testing. Here is the link for this one.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Thing # 8 - Flickr-Mosaic

This was a little more difficult. Maybe I was not reading thoroughly, but it took me several times to create this Mosaic. I had trouble uploading photos to Flickr. I finally gave up and used some of the same photos.

I liked the spell with Flickr better. It was much easier to use, and I can see students using this in the classroom.

Thing # 7 - Flickr

 I chose a photos of students creating podcasts. Please notice that I did not use names, and I tried to use pictures of students you could not identify. I also have an ulterior motive. I want teachers to see how easy it is to create a podcasts so they will notify their ETF next year to help create podcasts with their students. We always recommend getting parents permission slips signed at the beginning of the year. I have permission slips for these students.

Flickr is a great tool to use to post pictures, and I found it fairly easy to use. I will use it occasionally to post photos to share with family members and teachers. I do like the fact that you can mark your photos private in Flickr.
However, I prefer my .Mac account to share albums with family members because I am familiar with the program. The down side of .Mac, is you have to be a subscriber. It is not free. It costs around $ 109  a year, but you also get a space to save documents too.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Thing # 6 – Web 2.0 Awards List

I set up a account. This tool is so cool because it allows you access to all your bookmarks regardless of what computer you are using at the time. With the account you can share your bookmarks on your computer. Then you are able to access those bookmarks from any computer connected to the Internet. You can also share them with your friends.

At first, this was a little confusing for me when I uploaded all my bookmarks. There were some personal bookmarks that I did not want to share with other people. However, you have the option to edit your bookmarks in the account and choose to share. The editing features were very easy to use.

I think this would be a valuable tool for teachers to use with their classes. Many teachers surf the Internet at home to find resources to use in their classroom for research etc. With the account the teacher would have access to all the bookmarks regardless of what computer they are using at the time. They would have access to the bookmarks at school, in the library, or computer lab. How cool is that!!!!

Thing #5 - Perspectives of web 2.0

Web 2.0 provides so many opportunities for us as teachers to acquire information and share it with our students. While some of the terminology may seem different to us, students are already using many of these to communicate with each other on a daily basis. Our students are "digital natives" and have grown up with technology. They use texting, My Space, You Tube, and Yahoo on a weekly basis. As educators, we have to broaden our horizon and embrace Web 2.0 for the many possibilities it offers us to engage our students in learning. Blogging is a great way for students to participate in a discussion. It will enable a shy student the opportunity to voice their opinion in a non-threatening manner. If we, as educators, do not embrace web 2.0, we will do a disservice to our students.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thing #4 - Commenting is important

Commenting helps create a sense of community and build rapport with people who interact with your blog. Some of the things I found important are: If you don't care, don't comment, but if you feel strongly about the topic and have something to say, it is important to share your view. We reinforce opinions we agree with when we have real world examples. In the blog, "How to Feel Like a King or Queen", I agree that meaningful, relevant, real world comments add power to the blogs. What an awesome tool to use with our students. Blogging allows them the have a vote or opinion and give students the opportunity to express themselves. Students are so much more tech savvy then most of us. They use texting all the time on their phones and this is just another way for them to share their ideas using technology.
I also liked the blog, "Ten Commandments of Blog Commenting" These are rules we can apply to everyday life too. The hardest for me is to read carefully before commenting. I tend to scan and sometime miss valuable information, and I post too quickly. I also like the suggestion "Smile" to add emotions to your blog. Sometimes the smallest thing like a happy face with a smile will give someone encouragement and validate their comment. Again, leave comments that add value to the discussion. Blogging is the future!!! 

I feel the above comments provide a guideline for us to use when blogging. As always it is important to have guidelines to hold you accountable to your posts and to others who post to your blog.

I will add to the names and comments to the seven blogs at a later date.

My blogs that I commented on:
1. I commented on Teachers Summer because she like the site for pets. I also liked it too because I am a dog person. She was a cat person. It was fun reading the posts of other people.
2. Poo-Phil was the second blog. Hie liked image creator and created a cool T-shirt jersey.
3. Teacher's Summer was the next one, and I wanted to encourage her to create a podcast. I also gave her Curtissa Greene's informations since she is going back to Poteet to teach ESL. Curtissa is wonderful with Podcasts and uses the iPods in her ESL room at school. She will be a great resource for teachers.
4. Gigiread seemed a little frustrated. I wanted her to know that I felt overwhelmed at times too. She did a great job. I also wanted to encourage her to contact her ETF for help with technology related items and especially for podcasting with her students.
5. Tech Savvy was not sure about podcasting. I encouraged her to try it next year with her class and to contact her ETF to help her because she is an awesome teacher that loves to use technology.

The two other sites, were my daughter's photographer's that took her wedding pictures and I used some while setting up my account in the Social Bookmarking class.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Thing # 3 Register my blog

I have registered my blog. I think it would be cool to set up a blog for users of the Promethean Boards in our district. Teachers could create a blog to share ideas and help other teachers who may have questions about building flipcharts
I could also use a blog to get feed back from teachers about specific technology they would like for me to help them with on their campuses. 
A blog is a great way for interaction between teachers, students, and parents.

Thing # 2 Setting up your Blog and Avatar

Setting up the blog was easy since we had so many templates to choose from. The fun part was designing your avatar. So many choices from clothes, to backgrounds, etc. I followed the directions on posting the url and had no trouble posting my avatar to my blog. I am looking forward to learning more about blogs.

Thing # 1 - Lifelong Learning

I watched the video of the 7 1/2 Habits earlier today. The easiest for me is to accept responsibility for my own actions and to use technology to my advantage. The hardest part will be to view problems as challenges. I usually want to seek help instead of figuring the problem out myself.